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Study Guide - Layout Design
Women of Grace from Grace Church needed a engaging piece for their fall study. They provided the content, I just had to provide them a study guide that 1. was engaging and 2. I would want to read...
First project complete. Here is a post about my process and experience.
Women of Grace from Grace Church needed a engaging piece for their fall study. They provided the content, I just had to provide them a study guide that 1. was engaging for people to read.. The content arrived in a MS Word doc (ew, yes I know) but it was very organized and easy to follow (great job WOG team for that!). I took time to look through the doc and realized that it was over a 100 pages. My first thought was holy crap! But once I started putting things in my Indesign document it was pretty easy and straightforward.
I took a slightly different approach this time as I added in the content. Since this guide is broken up into lessons, I created a template for each lesson and then was able to plug in the information without trying to think though if it would be two columns or three or if it would have an image or not. This really helped me speed up the process of getting the content into the Indesign doc.
I'd say the hardest part of this project was making sure everything was formatted the same. It's easy to tweak little things without even knowing it when a project spans a few days. Luckily, Indesign makes this easy with Character Styles. If you don't use them for large layout projects you are most certainly wasting time.
My favorite part of this project was finding the imagery. I used Kaboompics.com for most of the imagery. The images and color for each lesson really provided the continuity within the lesson but also gave continuity to the whole project.
The Women of Grace team was thrilled with the finished product which in the end is all that matters to me.
Project Stats
hours spent
font faces used
pages designed
“OH MY! Are you kidding me?? This is absolutely gorgeous! We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!”